
Monday, June 7, 2010

Best Case Map

If factors such as consumer confidence and unemployment improve by the fall, the Democrats have a real chance to preserve their rather large majority. First, notice the underlying difference between the GOP best case map and the Dem, best case map. In their bets map, the Republicans have much more pickups that are rated at Lean or Safe than the Democrats do; out of the 7 seats the Democrats are could possibly gain, 5 are rated at Slight while only 2 Lean Dem. By contrast, the GOP best case map, aka Democrat worst case scenario map, the seats the GOP picks up are either Safe or Leaning in their favor; the Republicans do not pick up any seats by a Slight margin, save for Colorado. This indicates that the GOP as of now has a better chance of making gains because they are more likely to pick up seats by wider margins them their counterparts across the aisle.
Also, on the GOP best case map, the Democrats do not make any pickups, with the exception of the Independent Crist in FL who I expect will caucus with the Dems. On the Democratic best case map, the GOP makes 2 pickups; DE and ND. These two seats were all but handed to the GOP on a silver platter thanks to the retirements of ND Sen. Byron Dorgan and DE Sen. Ted Kaufman, the latter appointed to fill Joe Biden’s old seat.

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