
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Worst Person of the Week (6/28)- Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL)

Some in Congress truly make me doubt the sanity of the constituents who had the poor judgement as to elect them. Such is the case with Jeff Sessions. The idea that Sessions can be the Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee to head-to-head with the Chairman, the venerable Pat Leahy, is ludicrous. Earlier in his career, Sessions was nominated by Reagan to sit on the bench in the District Court of Southern Alabama. After presenting his case to the Senate Judiciary Committee, he was rejected; primarily because he made a living prosecuting African Americans and due to a few of his racist comments. I find it quite ironic that he now is the Ranking Member of the committee which rejected him years ago.
Now that Elana Kagan is up for confirmation, he is employing the same hollow rhetoric he used in attempt to bring down Justice Sotomayor. Sessions opened today's remarks by trashing Kagan's mentor, Thurgood Marshall; more specifically, Marshall was branded as an 'activist.' Ironically, the activist judges are on the RIGHT. Sessions noted that Kagan associated herself with "well known activist judges who have used their power to redefine words of our ways that have advanced that judges social policies." To quote Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) " I have two words: Citizens United."
In short, the hypocritical and petty style of Sen. Sessions both deadens the political debate in our country and sends our legal system nowhere but backwards.

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